Jose Luis Diaz

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner


In 2008, I was struggling to figure out what I could do to help my son and myself. Now, I am ready to put all that I have learned to good use helping others as well!

Hi, I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner that supports men and women in taking control of their health with a focus on mental and cardiovascular wellness.

From Engineering to Nutrition – My Path in Life

Growing up in New York City, I always viewed struggle as my natural lot in life. It seemed like there was never enough money to go around in my family. Because of this, I didn't have the resources necessary for a formal education. My upbringing was poor, but very quickly, I learned the values and principles that I needed to thrive in the world. Teaching myself about technology and engineering, I resolved never to let anything get in between me and my dreams. No matter what happened, I would keep on pushing and keep on learning, making the most of every opportunity that I could unearth.

 In 1996, I entered the IT field. My career has been a major success ever since then, and rewarding on multiple levels, my work has made it possible for me to travel all across the country, visiting locations far and wide, experiencing different things, and meeting different people. I have discovered both a sense of adventure and a sense of where technology is headed – and what it's most useful for. Still, my engineering career is not my only passion in life.

In 2008, after I got custody of my son and became a single parent, I realized another passion of mine: health. Adjusting to life on my own with my son was difficult in and of itself, but on top of that, his learning disabilities wore on me and forced me to see the world in new ways. I started to research what I needed to do in order to help him. It was only later that I learned my son had autism, and along the way, there were just no solid explanations or solutions available to me. Almost by accident, I became an expert in health and wellness over the decade that followed.


In the process of trying to help my son, I ended up healing my own chronic stomach issues. That was illuminating for me, because if I could heal myself, then surely there were other people whom I could heal too, people who lacked the answers they had sought out, people whom the establishment had let down just as the establishment had let me down.


Today, I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. In this role, I combine my traditional reasoning and problem-solving skills with everything that I have learned about health and wellness. My life – in spite of all the challenges that I have faced – has been a happy one, and I am eager to help others discover their happiness as well and to live long, rewarding lives. Better health is possible, if only you are willing to take the time out to learn about what your body needs of you and what you need to avoid each day.


I can help you sort through all the noise and find the diet that is unique to you and only you. To learn more about what I do, contact me today at

860-288-8699 or I look forward to hearing from you.



“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food..”

/  Hippocrates  /