Tired of inconsistent nutritional advice!

Frustrated by the latest FAD “miracle” diet plan!

The RESTART program is a powerful 5 week group nutrition program that incorporates nutrition education, sugar detox and small group support.

The RESTART program is based on the latest holistic nutritional information and taught by a certified holistic nutrition professional but what make RESTART so powerful is that our group classes are limited to 10 people that support each other throughout this journey. The small group allows for your questions and concerns to be addressed as well as learn from each others experiences.

No pills, No powders,

No pre-packaged foods to buy,





What you will learn:

Week 1


The first week is all about preparation on all levels (mentally, physically and emotionally), so you can hit the ground running. You will get Week 1 materials that will guild you step by step. You will also receive a RESTART cookbook and food journal to make experimenting with new food fun as well as track your progress.

You are not alone on this journey

You are not alone on this journey

week 2


We always hear how “We are what we eat” but in reality it should be said that “We are what we absorb”. You can buy the freshest nutrient-dense food you can find but if your digestion is poor, your well meaning efforts will be wasted.

Healthy digestion is critical to good health. Find out how it’s designed to work and how to optimize your digestion to get the most out of your healthy diet.

Get the most out of the food you eat with optimal digestion

Get the most out of the food you eat with optimal digestion

Enjoy your nutrient-dense food with optimal digestion

Enjoy your nutrient-dense food with optimal digestion


week 3

Sugar Detox

You probably heard that too much sugar is bad for you. You probably also know how hard it is to reduce our consumption or even avoid it in the food we buy. This week you will learn what actually happens when you consume sugar. You will also learn how your body responds to simple and complex carbs and how to get off the sugar roller coaster.

It’s okay to lose the sugar battle every now and then as long as you win the war.

It’s okay to lose the sugar battle every now and then as long as you win the war.

week 4


Think fat makes you fat? Fats have been vilified since the 1950s. We unveil the truth about dietary FATS and why healthy fats are essential to your diet. Learn which ones to enjoy, which ones to avoid and why.

Most fats are your friends

Most fats are your friends

week 5

putting it all together

YOU DID IT! You can move forward with your success and keep feeling great! Learn how to integrate the tools and skills you’ve acquired through The RESTART® Program.


You did it!

You did it!